TAC Newsletters Message - Happy Holidays, Parties and more

From: "TAC Newsletters" <dojo@torontoaikido.com>
Subject: TAC Newsletters Message - Happy Holidays, Parties and more
Date: December 19th 2023


I wish everyone a very merry, happy, joyous holiday this year. I hope that the New Year is a great one, and that we see you at the dojo more frequently once it starts! (How is that for a resolution!)

Some reminders of what will be happening the next couple of weeks: (see attached)

Kids, Friends and Family Party, is on Wednesday Dec. 20th starting at 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to play games, win prizes, have fun, and eat pizza and potluck. Feel free to bring something to share. (Not pizza…on me). One friend per student and any family members are welcome!

There is no adult class on Wednesday Dec 20th, due to the party.

Adult Party will be held after a short class, 8:30 or so on Friday Dec. 22nd. There will be sushi, sponsored by myself AND Ed to celebrate the season and his successful promotion to Nidan. Feel free to bring other foods to add to the celebration.

Dojo is closed Sunday Dec 24th up to and including Tuesday Dec 26th.
Dojo is closed Sunday Dec 31st up to and including Tuesday Jan 2nd 2024.

Please register for any other classes ahead of time. If no one is registered by 12: noon on any date, I will change the registration site to ***No Class *** and will not open the dojo.

And just a reminder, if you have not paid the annual membership fee, please do so asap.

I hope to see everyone at least at one of our parties, to share some cheer, but in case you are unable to attend, safe travels this season and see you next year!


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